Friday, November 2, 2007

Web2.0 AND Library2.0 AND Thinking

As per this reading:

These emerging technological capabilities are certainly interesting, offering potential of many various uses and new directions. However, in my years, I have noted great works and sublime ArtStatements ignored by the great masses of people. Just because a potential exists does not imply that it must be used or even if it WILL be used in reality. I hear much rhetoric in the above presentation that seems to assume hierarchical expertise to be evil and outmoded. This assumption is not even remotely true, in my experience. In fact, the purveyors of this egalitarianism-is-itself-goodness line are themselves gifted and expert - though hypocrites - leading a parade themselves and saying there is no god. Indeed, equal ones; take me to your leader. Hierarchical expertise is the REALITY of ALL situations and will NEVER go away.

Interactivity and social networking are delightful endeavor. Tagging each other's resources - once understood - will be a very hopeful possibility. Expertise is indeed much more multifaceted than we may have believed in the past. Nevertheless, it is expertise that brings us closer to truth, to problem solution, and to progress - NOT the cyber-complicity of many voices. Many voices tend to noise and distraction and blur. Right voices will always prevail, eventually. The content-value relativity presented as VIRTUE and implied by the preceding exposition is worthless, in my opinion.

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